You’ve Been Elected

The Client Letter
November 16, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Partly Cloudy 53 Degrees

Last night, I had a blast presenting the Phone Selling Secrets teleseminar. We went for about 95 minutes about how to sell (the smart way) on the phone. I have to tell you, I am extremely grateful for opportunities like this to share what I know.

If you haven’t yet found what it is that you are meant to do, keep searching. Because it’s worth it when you finally do find it. I’ve found that thing for me… at least part of it.

Today we’re going to talk about the election. Well, not THE election, but your election.

You see, each time a client hires you for a project, she is electing you. For what?

She is electing you to lead her somewhere. You get elected into a leadership position.

When I started in the service business, that’s the last thing it felt like. But that’s because I was more interested in working for my client’s approval than leading her anywhere.

She may have thought she was hiring a leader, but at the time, I just wanted someone to tell me I was OK. Sad to say here in print, but it’s true.

I’ve grown up (on the inside) a bit since then and I understand just how big a disservice I did to those clients who hired a leader and ended up with a scaredy cat.

Don’t be a scaredy cat. There are people out there that depend on you.

Suck it up and lead them. That’s what they’re hiring you for. If you don’t believe in yourself yet, lead them anyway. Because the moment you realize you actually are the leader they wanted… well, your life will change forever.

If you’re ready to be that leader and get paid like it, then here’s your guide.