Why They Need to Buy You

The Client Letter
November 8, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Brrrrr 35 Degrees

Are your clients buying what you do? Or are they buying the privilege of having you do it for them?

Might sound like the same thing, but it’s not. Not even close. In fact, this question leads to two totally separate worlds.

One is the world of the vendor, the other is the world of the Incomparable Expert.

Which do you think sounds better? 🙂

Think about your current marketing system. Your website, emails, direct mail, etc.

What is the focus of those pieces?

If it’s on WHAT you do, you run the risk of hitting some problems.

Because if all you talk about is WHAT you do, then anyone or his brother could setup a business tomorrow offering the very same thing. Or at least close enough to the same thing that your prospects can’t really tell the difference.

“Well Jack offers this service for $4,000 but you charge $7,000 for the very same thing. Is that the best you can do? Can you work with me here?”

This is not the question you want to be getting… ever.

Which means you need to shift the focus of your marketing. Your marketing should be engineered in such a way that your prospect says, “I need to have XYZ done and there’s no one else I want to do that work but you.”

When your clients can easily compare your service to another provider’s service, you pretty much force them to move into the next set of questions. Those usually revolve around price and speed of implementation.

Not the territory you want to live in. Faster and cheaper stinks.

But when your marketing is able to communicate the unique value that YOU bring to the table, well, there’s not much to compare that to.

They can either pay for you or they can get someone else that clearly WON’T be you.

Less about the what, more about the who. That way, you’re focusing on a one of a kind something that’s in great demand (YOU).

You want them buying YOU. That’s the key to a lot of wonderful things.