The “Secret” Works

The Client Letter
November 11, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 43 Degrees

One question I get quite often is, “I am beginning the process of building my Platform, but I need clients NOW. What can I do?”

So here’s the bad news:

If there was an effortless way to get great clients fast, everyone would be doing it.

That’s why I settled on the Platform approach.

But my Platform didn’t work for me until I actually made the commitment to work for it.

I can honestly say that, apart from my wife and my family, it’s one of the first things in my life I’ve actually ever truly committed to doing.

It only took me 36 years to discover the true secret of commitment.

Part of the secret to making this work for you is to commit to making it work for you. Sounds silly doesn’t it? But look around. You have to look for a while to find true commitment in our society.

It’s not taught, it’s not encouraged, it’s rare. Committed people are IMPOSSIBLE to control, so you don’t have to wonder why this little trait is pushed off to the side.

Everyone wants something for nothing. I do too. I can’t help it. It’s just wired in there.

But I ignore that feeling and just sit down and do the work.

“How can I get clients” is one of the most disempowering questions you can ask yourself. It shines a bright light on what you don’t have. It magnifies your need, it brings your fear of lack to the surface.

You do all that to yourself and then expect good things to happen. I tried that for a long time… it doesn’t work!

“How can I solve problems for people?” How many problems? How many people?

Now that’s a question that flips things around. Even if you sit there with zero clients, that question fills you with a positive energy. It energizes you to look around and find opportunities where you can help.

This is the direction to go. You give first. This creates future opportunity for you out of nothing. This is true alchemy, in my opinion.

The secret is to stop trying to think yourself rich and just go out and get your hands dirty. You put that together with the right kind of thinking and watch out!

But when you strategize to get, it just seems to work against you… ESPECIALLY when you are selling yourself.

If you have spare time on your hands while you’re waiting for your Platform to attract clients, then go help some people.

Stack the universal balance between giving/getting in favor of the universe. I bet you’ll be surprised at what comes back to you, and the speed at which it returns.

You’ll get clients faster than any other way I’ve discovered.

The “Secret” works. You do get what you think about. But you only get it if you don’t skip over the first step… which is to give.

P.S. I created an opportunity for me to give in the latest issue of the Rainmaker Letter. I’m excited about it and it’s coming up in a little over a week. This one opportunity could easily be worth the entire year’s subscription. It’s time sensitive, so subscribe today and find out what it is.