Sheep No More

The Client Letter
November 7, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 63 Degrees

How many of the things you do in your business come into being because of an internal motivation to do them? In that situation, the energy is voluntarily moving from you out into the world.

And how many of the things that you do in your business (or life, for that matter) come into being out of a feeling of “obligation” to do those things? Or a fear of not doing them?

My ratio used to be about 10% / 90%. That’s 10% out of voluntary motivation, 90% out of OBLIGATION or fear.

This is a ratio common to sheep, which I was until the day something inside of me cracked. I’ll tell you what cracked in just a moment.

If you spend your life in a reactionary state, my guess is that you run the risk of getting to the end of it feeling empty.

Try growing your business by simply reacting (as opposed to acting and creating) and you’ll quickly find out what a dead end that is. Oh you might make money, but you probably won’t be satisfied.

When you act, you are in control.

When you react, you are being controlled.

Deep down, no one likes being controlled… that includes the sheep. Deep down, everyone knows the secret truth: that no one is here to control another.

As you can see by current world events, the secret is getting out.

Yesterday, I received an email from a subscriber that included this sentence:

“My main challenge is having the courage of expressing my true voice to the world, without fear of rejection.”

How would your business change if you took the fear of rejection off the table? If you figured out how to dissolve its power over you?

That means you no longer care what “they” say, think or do. “They” could be your prospects, your clients, your friends, your family, even your spouse.

So what is it that “cracked” in me some time ago? What cracked is the part of me that thought fear was something to be scared of.

I finally found something I wanted MORE than I wanted to avoid the fear. This simple discovery severed the power of fear to control me.

What is it that I wanted?

What I wanted was to go through life showing the REAL me to the rest of the world.

Is there any better way to spend your life?