Why I Don’t Travel

The Desert of Arizona
Lots of Rain 65 Degrees

RE: Why I don’t travel

I make no secret about the fact that travelling is something I very rarely ever do. Leaving town with 7 kids and a wife at home just isn’t a smart move at the moment. Frankly, it’s also darn tiring.

Yes, there are people who could help out at home if I travelled more. But I choose not to use them much. I don’t believe there’s a much better use of my time than to invest it in the next generation. So “outsourcing” the development of my children to someone else just isn’t an option for me.

I don’t do this business so I can get rich. I do this business so I can live how I want. The best part is, I can do that NOW. I don’t have to work for 20 years and THEN start living.

I tell you all this to say one thing:

I don’t get out much. Which means I have to figure out another way to add value to the world.

As you know, I use email. One email doesn’t do a lot. But valuable emails, sent over time, can move mountains. Actually, they can make you a living.

You don’t have to be a professional copywriter to write these emails, you simply have to have something to say.

School trains the ability to figure out what that is out of most of us for a while. But rest assured, you DO have something to say. There IS unique value you have to offer in and around the service you provide.

And what happens when you figure out what that is?

Well, you start talking… or writing. That’s why I always recommend you create your own Platform.

Now my approach to selling yourself as a service provider could probably best be described as “not selling yourself.” I do other things to make traditional selling relatively unnecessary.

And email, while not the highest impact form of selling, is one of the most leveraged.

And it allows you to deliver value while at the same time sifting and sorting through prospects.

But that’s not even the biggest benefit to using email to attract clients. The biggest benefit is that sitting down to write forces you to actually figure out what you think about what you do.

The writing practice creates clarity over time. And it sharpens your ability to communicate what you’re about in a way that actually gets understood by your prospective clients.

If you’re at a loss for the way forward for you with email, you’ll find help here.