Building Walls

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 59 Degrees

RE: Building walls

Not long ago, I read a very interesting book by Bruce Lipton called The Biology of Belief. He’s the first person I’ve ever come across who connected belief to the biological changes it creates in cells.

If you’ve ever looked for a connection between the worlds of “The Secret” and science, this is as close as I know of.

It’s simply fascinating.

Our cells have walls around them that only allow certain things through. In Lipton’s book, he basically makes the case for how your beliefs (your environment) control the expression of your genes (your biological reality.)

Now let’s take this cell idea and apply it to our work with clients.

We don’t have these “cellular” walls around our client business unless we put them there.

If we go too long without the walls, we end up wasting a lot of time with people we have no business helping. They simply aren’t right for what we do. But without a way to make that known before you invest time in them, it can get frustrating.

But after you build the walls, then things get easier. Like the substances your cells allow through your body’s cellular walls, this “wall” you build around your business only opens up for prospects who show the right signals.

Want to stop wasting time with people who don’t meet the criteria you’ve set for good clients?

Want to create more leverage in the way you manage clients?

Then start thinking strategically and start building your walls, otherwise known as processes.

It makes an enormous difference.