What They Think of You

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 71 Degrees

RE: What they think of you

Can you imagine if you had to spend your entire life riding around on a roller coaster that you didn’t control?

Up and down, down and up. Just as you were dozing off to sleep, you’d hit a peak and fly down the track, sending your stomach up through your head.

That might get a wee bit old, no?

But that’s what we service providers do all the time. We’re riding a roller coaster just like that one. It’s an emotional roller coaster, but it’s still a roller coaster. And we hand the keys over to our clients.

When things are going well, we love it. We’re climbing to the peak. But then we hit a curve, or we fly down the other side of that peak and then we don’t love it.

Up and down, down and up.

It can feel like you’re totally out of control. The funny thing is that you are in control. Oh you might not feel in control once you’re on that roller coaster and you’ve given the keys away, but you still are in control.

You can get off at any time. And then you can choose never to get back on.

Just go to the mirror and ask yourself what value that roller coaster ride adds to your life? I challenge you to find a good answer. For me, I know there isn’t one.

Dan Kennedy has often mentioned that the number one trait of successful business people is immunity to criticism.

Why is that so important?

Because until you are immune, you are wearing shackles. And they control you every minute of every day.

I’d say today is a good day to take those off.

What they think of you, or worse, what you think they think of you is irrelevant to what you think of you.

How much time do you invest everyday working on THAT?

This doesn’t mean you go through your life like an emotionless robot. You’ll still FEEL plenty. But the key is to develop the ability to have those feelings INFORM you instead of CONTROL you.

Just imagine what can happen when you get off the “roller coaster” and allow your BIG SELF to go out into the world.