Why I Don’t Do Instant Success

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 67 Degrees

Everyone wants quick. Everyone wants the guaranteed outcome.

It took me a little longer than I’m willing to admit to realize that these traits rarely are found in clients I actually want to work with.

Back when my ego was fragile and I was more interested in validation than anything, nothing made me happier than to show up as the “Messiah,” wave my magic wand, and make everything better really quickly.

But sometimes that wand didn’t work. And then I had a problem. The expectations for me to do something magical didn’t fit with the not so magical reality I was able to deliver. I don’t fully control outcomes in my business. I just enjoyed acting like I did.

And so my client ended up being like that little kid on Christmas morning who THOUGHT he was getting the toy he wanted only to unwrap a book about bird watching. Oops…

Eventually, I realized it was much smarter to never do this again.

So how about we start with the truth? That became my approach. That way, I only deal with people who are able to deal with that. Then we go from there.

That doesn’t mean you can’t deliver huge results. It DOES mean that you haven’t implied that you can deliver something you really don’t fully control.

Take the Platform Lab, for example. The next session starts Tuesday.

Over four sessions, I work with a small group of people to strategize their media platform. That means we get clear on their buyer and that buyer’s psychology. Then we design the format, frequency, name and reasons for being of the platform. Then we design the rest of the system to go from subscriber to client.

And finally, there’s a one-on-one consult with ME to tie up loose ends.

For some people, these actually become complete business redesigns. Mainly because your Platform is designed to communicate what you do, how you do it and why you are an obvious choice for your clients. So it’s got to be CLEAR to get the message through.

But the Platform model of client attraction is not instant and it’s not even quick. Developing a media platform is not an easy button. It’s not even a button! Instead, it’s a process.

Success isn’t measured in days. If you want that, I’m not your guy. I play a longer game. Months… Years…

Most people won’t do that. No problem. I’m OK dealing with the 3% of people who do. If you DO go this route, however, you’ll look up one day and see everyone else has left. They’re still searching for the silver bullet! And you will have thousands and thousands of people (or more!) that know, like and trust you.

If you’re in any type of “advisor” business, this is a good position to be in.