The Race to Disqualify

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 65 Degrees

How quickly can you spot a prospective client who has no business being your client?

The quicker you can do that, the more time you’ll have for things that matter.

When you have no platform and no lead generation, you wake up everyday saying to yourself, “I have to get clients.” You set off with a positive mindset and an energy flavored by need.

Talk about confusing the universe. That’s a tough road to walk.

When you create a platform (it only takes a decision and motivation to work harder than other people, plus some smart thinking), that “gotta get clients” feeling slowly begins to change.

You stop trying to get clients, you start focusing on the system that gets clients.

Then you move on to planting more seeds (leads). You can buy them on Facebook® or use other PPC. You can buy display ads, newsletter ads, do article syndication agreements and more. This is where you can get creative (see yesterday’s “using your brain” letter). You are growing your universe by buying permission to add value to the lives of your prospective clients in advance.

Once this basic system is up and running, you realize that one of the biggest issues for you down the road won’t be “getting” clients, it will be disqualifying those who don’t belong working with you as quickly and easily as possible.

Without filters like this, you waste time, which is pretty much the most valuable asset there is.

Most every “annoying” client situation can be traced back to a faulty filtering system.

Don’t want clients who pressure you on fees? Disqualify them.

Don’t want clients who treat you like a vendor? Disqualify them.

Don’t want clients that have no clue what they want? Disqualify them.

Everything can be baked into your systems.

I just opened registration for the next Platform Lab Session. If you want to work through creating your platform or fix one that’s not doing anything, this might be for you.