Men Wanted For Hazardous Journey

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 68 Degrees

When you think about the value exchange between you and your clients, which party do you feel brings the most value to the equation?

Is it the service you provide? Is it your client’s money? Which?

I think many service providers walk around with the feeling that they need the client’s money far more than the client needs the service.

This is backwards. And it’s a repelling energy rather than an attractive one.

Can you honestly FEEL that clients SHOULD be searching you out? If that’s not a feeling you carry around or at least can conjure up on demand, ask yourself why?

(This could lead you down a multi-month or even YEAR journey into yourself, so apologies in advance. Don’t worry, there’s only growth to be found. The journey is worth it.)

The energy you feel is a habit. Some people are addicted to struggle. Even if they’re actually doing well, you can still carry around the energy of struggle.

This especially comes through in any copywriting you create for your business. The energy that you sit down with flavors the result.

Do you write to your prospects with 100% conviction that what you have is gold?

If you don’t, how can you expect them to come after what you have?

Take the old ad supposedly placed by Ernest Shackleton looking for volunteers to accompany him on an expedition to the South Pole. Here’s the ad:

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.

This is pulled out all the time in the copywriting world as an example of good copywriting. I have no idea if it’s good. No one even knows if it’s real.

What I do know is that it’s clear, from the ad, who the writer feels is holding the “gold.”

He had something his audience (men) want at a very deep level. He had the opportunity for a man to become the hero in his own life. Extremely attractive, even if most men won’t admit it.

You can feel that idea coming through. Why else would anyone in their right mind be attracted to such a bleak offer?

According to the story, this ad pulled about 5,000 responses. Whether or not it happened, you can FEEL the attraction.

This is what you can create in everything you do. How you speak, how you write, how you carry yourself.

If you have the gold, start feeling like it. The attraction starts with you.