When Success Is Not Enough

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 71 Degrees
4:30 p.m.

The human mind is an amazing piece of technology. And had we been taught to actually use it rather than to have it manipulated into building its own prison, WE would be in control of its creative power rather than having it coopted to do the will of others.

Let’s take society’s infatuation with “success” as just one example.

Ever wonder why so many people want success? Do they really want that or have they been trained to want that or is there some other reason for it?

Well, what do we know about the human’s ability to create?

As within, so without. That’s what we know. We create by focusing our awareness.

And when the system focuses your awareness on wanting success, guess what you create?

Success? Ha, your controllers are smarter than that!

You don’t create success, you create wanting success.

Some people become successful despite this, of course. There are always a few anomalies. And those get amplified because we make movies about them and write books about them and put them on magazine covers.

But the trick is even more devious than that.

Because what I’ve come to realize is that “success” isn’t even a goal worth pursuing. It’s not enough. And wanting success is not worth a life. And really, the only way to make sure you never achieve success is to chase it with everything you have.

Like money, success only serves its rightful role as a BYPRODUCT of something far more valuable.

What is that something?

Only you can answer that.

But when you do answer it, that’s the direction in which you begin to travel.

Not knowing HOW should not concern you.

Not knowing the WAY should not concern you.

Placing your awareness on the feeling of the journey DONE will guide you every step of the way.

This is the practice for developing trust in YOU, the only one capable of creating everything you desire.