The Uncharted World of the Result

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 77 Degrees
4:28 p.m.

It’s pretty much marketing 101 to understand the difference between features and benefits. Everyone SHOULD get this, not enough people do.

Like everything, there are creative and inspired ways to talk about these things and there are boring and rote ways to talk about them. You can tell most people are just “following the rules” when they relay features and benefits in a marketing piece. “That’s how you’re supposed to do it” and that’s what they’re doing.

Beyond features and benefits, however, is the land of the result.

A simple way to think about this is to take all of your benefits and add a “so that” to them…

“Our product is fast [feature] so it will save you time [benefit] so that… [result].”

But there’s even more beyond that. I would argue that MOST of the potential for magic is well beyond the land of features and benefits as you wade deep into the uncharted world of the result.

What happens if you take that result…and NAME IT?

This really grants you an enormous opportunity to LITERALLY separate yourself from everyone else on the entire planet.

I help people become Incomparable Experts.

I’ve taken the result I help folks create and given it a name.

Is another “Incomparable Expert” shop going to open up down the street? It might, but that would be dumb. And even if that happens, that doesn’t mean there is room in your mind and heart for another “Incomparable Expert” store.

The spot in your mind is already occupied.

What’s the result you deliver to the world? Are you shortchanging yourself and your clients/customers by not giving that a unique identity?