Today’s the Day For An “Out of Body” Experience

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 40 Degrees

Each time you speak with a prospect, you get to choose which mindset you bring to the table:

You can either go in with the mindset of “you should really hire me and here is why…”

Or you can enter the situation with the mindset of “what makes you think I belong here, committing a portion of my life and time to this and to you?”

You probably don’t have to think too hard to figure out which approach is more attractive to your prospective client.

Advisors DON’T presuppose a solution. If you already know what they should do and you just blab it out, you’ve screwed up… especially if you actually want to help them.

The whole point isn’t that you never sell anything. The point is that the buying is their idea, not yours. It makes a better client. It brings higher fees. It delivers a long list of benefits, including that you REMAIN the trusted advisor.

The first place you have to make the shift, however, is in the six inches of real estate between your ears.

This is a problem for most people. Because in order to make this shift, you have to alter a piece of software that you are currently allowing to run unchecked in your brain.

That piece of software is the one that influences the value you place upon yourself.

Value is about perception. And if you never get out of your own head, your perception is skewed. Because you’re most likely looking at yourself under the most unforgiving microscope ever invented. You’re too close to see anything except blemish after blemish. Even the smallest imperfections look like glaring weaknesses that EVERYONE must see.

Except they don’t see them. Because they’re standing WAY over there… their perception is different. And it’s far more helpful to you than yours is!

Zoom out. See yourself as others see you. It’s an “out of body” type experience that could change your future. Because you might just be amazed at how great things look from the outside.

What would happen if you started valuing yourself like THEY do? Your world would change, that’s what would happen.