Quitting the Waiting Game

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 51 Degrees

The price we pay for trust, credibility and respect is TIME.

There’s no shortcut.

So once your media platform is up and running, are you just supposed to sit there and wait while you write your newsletter or make your podcast or whatever?

Well, you can try. But if you’re like me, it’ll eat you alive. And it’ll make you miserable.

Conceptually, the idea of “waiting” is a pretty disempowering thing to allow in your life. When you’re waiting for something, that means a good chunk of your power is “out there.” It’s somewhere outside of you where it’s pretty much useless. You attached it to some imagined thing that’s supposed to happen.

If you really are aware, you can FEEL when this power leaves. A space empties up in your gut and it’s replaced by this annoying gnawing feeling. That’s “need” right there. And you created it. Congrats!

Take back your power. Bring your whole self back to the only thing you’ll ever GET in this world: NOW.

OK, now that we have that cleared away:

There’s one part of the Platform Spiral that will always be a willing receiver of your energy and focus in the present moment.

That’s at the opening, where you generate leads.

See, you can’t focus your energy on making a sale with a particular client without damaging your role as THE trusted advisor. That means, you need to allow your clients to begin as “seeds” and then develop and grow into clients.

You don’t harvest a field when YOU want to eat, you harvest a field when the crops are ready.

But you CAN invest your energy, pretty much any moment of any day, in growing the size of your universe. The good part is that the bigger your universe becomes, the greater the probability that some of those people WILL be ready to go and become clients quickly.

Focus on the leads, more affectionately known as “human beings with problems you can solve.” On most days, that’s the greatest and most valuable use of your time, focus and energy.

And the truth is, it TAKES a lot of focus to make your lead flow work. Notice I didn’t say, “to see if it works.” That’s not really an option is it? Not unless you’re just not serious about this path for you. We’re MAKING it work by focusing on it until it does.

If you know your prospects have problems and you know you can offer them solutions, then it’s just a matter of time and work until you build the right bridge between those two points.

So when you go and start working on your lead generation campaigns, chances are, they won’t work right away. The most recent one I created for a client took weeks of trial and error. And now we’re surfing along at 30-60 leads a day. I still have another one that I haven’t nailed yet…

So you know what you do when it doesn’t work out the first time?

You try again…

And again…

And again…

And eventually, you’ll get it to work. And at that point, you won’t have to “wait,” you’ll just watch the system work and begin to enjoy the harvest of the seeds you planted.