Selling Yourself With Email

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny With Too Much Pollen! 58 degrees

RE: Selling yourself with email…

If you are in the business of selling you, then there are basically two ways to go about it:

You can go in straight and do your best to sell what you’ve got. This is the traditional approach to sales. You talk about what you have, you “overcome objections,” you close the deal.

The problem with this approach is that it instantly labels you as a SALES PERSON. The prospect’s sales resistance goes up, their shields are turned on. Good luck working through that.

The other option is to take the “sell yourself without selling” approach which uses the power of attraction, intrigue, trust etc. to close the deal. This is much slower.

You become a trusted advisor in the minds of your prospects. From there, it’s just a natural thing that they would ask to buy from you. After all, they trust you! And they should, you’ve earned it.

I’ve been in the business of selling myself (and many others) for quite sometime. Email is one of the most powerful tools available to you, especially if you work with clients and customers all over the world.

I still remember back in my early days on the internet, when I was sending out weekly email newsletters to subscribers. Every Sunday night, I would power up the computer, write a newsletter and watch as the orders came in. Back then, all of the emails got sent from my own personal computer. Sending the newsletter took forever!

These days, the tools to do this are no longer a barrier to entry. That means that just about anyone can send emails to anyone. And that’s the real problem. When anyone can do it, there needs to be a way for you to set yourself apart.

Otherwise, all you’re doing is sending noise into the lives of your prospective clients and customers. Their only protection is to tune you out.

Over the last few years, as publisher of the daily Client Letter, I’ve learned a few things about using email to sell without selling like a slime ball.

As hard as it might be to believe, “selling without selling” is actually a better way to go (in my opinion) to build your business as a service provider. In a world where one of the most in demand assets is trust, selling without selling via email is an effective way to build that trust.

When someone trusts you, just about anything is possible.

If you want to learn how to use email to sell yourself without being a slimy salesperson, then here’s your invitation. I’m going to show you how to do it, and how to do it quickly.