The 93% Email Open Rate

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 39 degrees

RE: The 93% email open rate

Years ago, I worked with a client who sold to an extremely passionate group of people. To say that these people would die for their ideals would be putting it lightly.

My client’s business provided the training and resources these folks wanted to live out their life as they saw fit.

In terms of message to market match, fueled with a whole lot of passion, you can’t really get better than we had it.

Actually, we had another ace up our sleeve. And that was that the founder of the company was just like his customers. Bingo.

So even though I was a bit surprised, I probably shouldn’t have been the day I wrote a product launch email that got sent to tens of thousands of subscribers.

Want to know how many people opened it?

Somewhere upwards of 93%. Needless to say, the sale went well 🙂

Yes the subject line was good, and yes the topic was timely.

But this little example shows something more powerful for you to consider in your own marketing.

Writing in a way that MOVES people to take action, to trust you, to take a step towards you is less about the words you use and more about being able to climb inside their skin.

It’s not about how you say it, it’s about WHAT you say!

The trick isn’t to figure out how to “sell via email,” the trick is to develop a deep understanding of who you are writing to.

Then you use email to communicate that understanding and your offer of a solution.

Why so few people talk about this I don’t know. Actually I DO know. They don’t talk about it because focusing on the “4 techniques to make your emails magnetic,” or “28 ways to make your writing hypnotic and mind controlling” (as if) is a WHOLE lot easier to sell.

My recommendation is to screw the pursuit of the shortcuts and develop the REAL skill. The real skill is your ability to understand where another human being is at.

That’s just one of the things we’re going to talk about a lot in the upcoming live training on February 27. I’m going to show you how to write emails that sell without coming across as a slimy salesperson.

PLUS, everyone who registers will get a coupon for a complimentary email critique from me. That could take me forever to do them all, but that’s the offer… all for $49.

Get the details here…

(Given the critique offer, I will have to cap the enrollment limit if things get out of hand. So register sooner than later. 🙂