Finding Your Way Through

The Desert of Arizona
Sunrise 40 degrees

RE: Finding the way through…

I was never one for “strategic master plans” to find my way through to a goal… like making a living. I don’t know why, but that’s never worked that well for me.

The fact is, you just don’t know what’s going to work until you actually put something out there into the world.

So to sit around building this monster plan that you’re going to execute just doesn’t seem like a smart use of time.

The minute you put something in the real world and see what happens, then you make adjustments… and that strategic plan you worked on so hard goes out the window.

I do things one step at a time.

In terms of client attraction, I actually started backwards. Client attraction isn’t the hardest part, client management is where most of the problems are.

So why would I go into high attraction mode if I didn’t have my stuff together for how to deal with them?

Once that process is created, then I move out to the attraction part. That’s where we get to the PLATFORM.

It doesn’t really matter which end you start from, but I think it’s important to realize that the only way you’re going to find your way through to the goal is by taking ONE step at a time.

Do something, watch the results, make an adjustment, do something else.

That’s why I like the PLATFORM approach so much. Because my “doing something” isn’t a one shot deal I’m never going to try again. I do it ALL the time, which means I can make constant adjustments based on what does or does not work. I have set things up so I get a LOT of chances.

Moral of the story: try a lot of stuff. That’s a HARD thing to sell. It’s not exactly a silver bullet, but it IS the truth.

My offer to help you get your PLATFORM done via the Platform Express is changing in just a few days. If you want help, time is running out.