One Detail I Forgot About the Train

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 85 Degrees

I often compare the journey of an Incomparable Expert to the journey a train takes on a track.

The train has a route. The train has a schedule. The train runs to its destination no matter what.

If this train metaphor is a new idea to you, you can get caught up here.

There’s one very important detail I forgot about the train. Actually, it’s about the track on which the train runs.

The track runs uphill.

That means the train is always exploring new heights on the journey. You are always getting better, faster, more effective, more sure of the route.

What this means is that the conductor of the train can’t be a slouch. What this also means is that you’re going to leave people behind. Mainly, those for whom mediocrity is acceptable. This is most people.

The longer you go, the higher you’ll get.

This is not a problem, this is the point.

This is called growth, innovation, improvement.

This is why you are here.

You are not here to serve others by getting down on your hands and knees and coming back to their level of reality. You are here to serve others by inspiring them to reach higher than they think is possible.

So don’t worry about not being the right choice for MOST people. Don’t worry about expecting those in your universe to achieve more than most people even dream about.

Don’t worry that your light is 100X brighter than those around you. Most certainly don’t dim that light just so more people can relate to you.

And don’t fret about asking for double, triple or ten times what others charge in fees.

We’re living in a world where commitment is a four letter word.

We’re living in a world where focus is just “too hard.”

We’re living in a world where actually standing for something gets you ridiculed.

But if you want to stand out, and if you want to actually make an impact, it’s that trio that is the secret to real progress.

Commitment, focus and the courage to stand for something important.

Wouldn’t you know it, this is a secret that’s hiding in plain sight for anyone to use, free of charge.

But very few people will. And that’s all the advantage you really need.