
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 82 Degrees

The platform model works for many reasons. But one of the simplest reasons it’s effective is because it makes you valuable in the lives of your prospects far in advance of them ever working with you.

This isn’t a principle that’s reserved for writing a newsletter, however. It’s a strategy that you can use all over the place.

The next time you want to make a contact or start a relationship, instead of making the first communication all about what you want, ask yourself how to first become more valuable to that individual than you currently are. Then do that.

Everyone else is learning how to write cold emails or make cold calls or “network” their way to success or something else that makes it clear they’re putting what THEY want first.

That’s not the way an Incomparable Expert goes about things. The first move is never one of NEED, it is always an offering of value.