How to Make a Fortune Putting Other People First

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 66 Degrees

Can you really make a fortune putting other people first?


Don’t you have to be pretty focused on YOU to get what you want?

The movies would tell you that you do. So too would the news. It’s busy getting people bent out of shape about all of the “greedy” people just trying to get their piece of the pie.

While that makes for a good distraction, and while it’s an effective way to DIVIDE and CONFUSE people, my experience doesn’t really fit with that story.

My experience has been that as you climb higher and higher on the ladder of success, you start running into more and more people who DON’T actually put themselves first.

Sure, there are some scum bags here and there, they do exist at all levels.

But so many ultra successful people actually go out of their way to help others.

Could there be a connection between success and doing that?

I guess it depends on your definition of success.

And who knows, really. The only thing you can do is TRY it and figure out if it applies for you.

In the attraction game, this is extremely powerful. Because when you are focused on helping others, guess what happens to that needy energy that is only concerned with what YOU get?

Well, that needy energy goes away. You can’t give and be needy at the same time.

So what happens to the attraction force towards you when you express zero need?

Well, amazing things happen… that’s what.

Not long ago, I sat down with one person who is living this. He’s making a “fortune” helping others win.

What could you accomplish if you made that YOUR focus? What would that look like for you?