Making It Easy To Say Yes

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 52 Degrees – 6:16 p.m.

For a long time, I made it difficult for clients to say “Yes” to my services.

No one was sure exactly what I did. Not sure enough to say, “Here, take this money of mine, I’d like some of what you’re offering.”

I did try to articulate it. But I always missed the mark. I’d talk about what I did, I’d try to narrow it down, I’d give things names…but I always seemed to guess incorrectly about what was truly the important stuff my clients were looking for.

I still remember a coaching client calling me a few years ago and saying, “I know I want to work with you, but what would that look like?”


Luckily, I stumbled on the media platform. (What’s a platform? Explanation here.)

The platform provided, for me, a solution to this problem. It supplies the demonstration prospective clients need to sell themselves on what I offer.

It does it without me having to think about it. It’s automatic, but it’s not without effort.

It doesn’t do it in a single dose, or even twenty. But it DOES do it, eventually. And I’m way more interested in working with clients who sold themselves on me than I am with any client I have to sell.

So this is a question you can ask at every level of your business: “Am I making it easy to say Yes?”

That doesn’t mean anything is cheap.

And it doesn’t mean you create an “irresistible offer” and become a free slave to your client.

It simply means that you’ve arranged your marketing systems so that it is EASY for the right clients to say YES.

When you’re generating leads, making it easy to say YES is pretty noticeable when you achieve it.

In yesterday’s Lead Lab session, I showed an example of one of my own campaigns where making it easy to say yes (meaning it was OBVIOUS to the right people that they should ask for what I was offering) just about cut lead costs in half.

Look in at what you’re doing from the outside. How can you make it easier for them to say, “Yes?”