Field Report Hotsheet 9.24.2016

Amazon Review Shenanigans

If you have books on Amazon, read this. It’s an interesting article about some recent issues Amazon has been having with user reviews.

Amazon Getting Into Politics?

And here’s another article about actions Amazon has taken regarding reviews of Hillary Clinton’s book. What do all of these things point to? They point to the fact that when you’re playing on a playground you don’t own, anything can happen. Tread carefully!

So somehow I missed this service, but as Amtrak the train line always says, “Better late!”

So is a gotowebinar/gotomeeting clone with pricing that’s pretty hard to beat. Take a look. It makes the folks at Citrix look like Scrooge McDuck!

While I didn’t find out about it under good circumstances (the death of a friend), GivingFuel is an amazing platform to accept donations for all types of things. It’s intuitive and easy enough for anyone to setup. Pretty interesting business model as well. You can accept up to $5K without paying any fees.