How to Manipulate People into Buying LATER

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 46 Degrees

Want to buy my course about how to “manipulate” people into buying later?

Ha, that would be quite a launch, wouldn’t it? I MIGHT sell a single copy (thanks Mom!). But my bet is that hardly anyone would be interested.

As it turns out, however, there’s an enormous benefit to delaying the sale. And it’s especially true in the Incomparable Expertâ„¢ business.

I’ve learned a few things over the years about doing it the other way. By that, I mean the way that is focused on maximum cash extraction in minimum time.

First, if you manipulate someone into buying, they will place a portion of accountability on you for their future result or lack thereof. This will be at a subconscious level. You can lecture them all day about how it’s “their responsibility,” but it won’t matter.

Second, if you get them to buy and your products (like MANY products out there in this industry) simply don’t work for ENOUGH people, they won’t forget it. Again, I read books for years where it said that didn’t matter.

Took me far longer than I’m willing to admit that this is total B.S.

Stuff that WORKS is the way to go. That means you might have to work hard to get there. That’s the standard I hold out there for myself that I work towards. Actually, I’m just getting better at killing the “losers” that don’t deliver for people. That’s why basically all I do these days is this and this. The reason I do that is because almost everyone that goes through those paths experiences something amazing they take with them forever.

Just because people buy isn’t success. Helping people succeed is success.

The platform model of client attraction actually DELAYS the sale. It puts it out there into the future somewhere. It allows trust and credibility to be created FIRST.

And funny enough, eventually, it allows people to “manipulate themselves” into the sale. But instead of that being a slimy thing, it’s a good thing. They buy when they are ready. Which is the exact right time for any sane person to buy something from someone they trust. This is how you make the act of buying enjoyable for them.