The DJ of Rings

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 39 Degrees

I have a friend who passes through town every now and then. His name is Pitango, the “DJ of Rings.” Sometimes we meet out on the street for a few minutes as he’s walking around talking on his phone.

For the past 25 years, he’s been doing the same thing: making rings. He creates the designs and then works with a group of people who physically make them in Nepal.

Today, I’d like to point you to an article about this Incomparable Expert.

For some of you reading this, his message will resonate with you. For others it will make you feel really uncomfortable. All responses are valid. And none will affect my journey. So carry on as you see fit. That’s why you’re here. 🙂

From the article:

You can be truly anything you want. When a person really does what he wants to do, this is the opportunity. It’s not a risk. This is where you find your power.

Now I have to be frank, the system would rather you not know this. After all, what kind of “system” would it be without slaves to run it?

But when each person wakes up and decides that no more days will pass with he or she doing things that do not add to his or her life, then this world will shift.

At the moment, the world is a crazy place. People have been brainwashed into spending their entire lives doing things they don’t like with people they don’t like at places they don’t like because they “have to.”

Deep down, everyone knows this is a load of B.S. Few will do anything about it. But it’s actually simple. You stop running the program that was installed in you to tolerate this and then you go be yourself. You live life as you see fit. You spend your life “singing the song” you are here to sing.

Depending on how badly you’ve been brainwashed, it might take a little while to figure out exactly WHO you are and what “song” you’re here to sing. No problem. This isn’t a race. We’re all headed the same place.

If you’re not really doing what you want to be doing, what exactly do you believe you are here for?