How to Get People to Do What You Want

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 54 Degrees – 7:25 a.m.

The alpha male entrepreneur archetype will tell you there’s always a winner and a loser in every exchange.

They strive to always be the winner. Some of them even seem to delight in watching others lose. I don’t know.

Maybe they choose to see the world this way or maybe it’s just the best they can do, but my world doesn’t look like that.

In fact, I think the winner/loser approach is really a big lie. It’s part of the mental control structure we were all taught to mold our perception and hide how the world REALLY works.

Rich, poor, Jew, Christian, smart, dumb, black, white, Democrat, Republican… all polarities that are leveraged to control.

This winner/loser construct is really just another form of division where there is no division.

But I digress…

The smartest way to get someone to do “what you want them to do” is to align what you want with what others want.

Everyone wins.

You do this by elevating the quality of your thinking before you even do anything.

They say marketing is a valuable skill, or the ability to write great sales copy or even the ability to sell face-to-face.

To me, all those pale in comparison to the value of being able to structure an offering where giving someone what they want creates for you what you want.

Clearly, this is not always easy.

People like Zig Ziglar have talked about this idea for decades.

But that soundbite has been turned into a feel good internet meme instead of actually becoming a guiding force for action.

It’s real work to go this route because it requires the development of an extremely deep level of empathy for others.

And what ego being wants to spend so much time thinking about other people?

But that’s what makes this such a valuable opportunity to help create abundance for all.