How to Offend (Almost) Everyone in Minimum Time!

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 65 Degrees – 9:43 a.m.

We’ve come to a funny little time in our society. “Political correctness” has become the new way to censor people. What fun!

But instead of the system having to censor individuals with their favorite tools of coercion, they’ve trained their sheep to do it to each other.

Today, instead of offering any advice about how to navigate that quagmire of “you can say this, but don’t say that, you can talk about X but not about Y,” I’m going to give you the surest route to offending just about EVERYONE and doing it in minimum time.

We’re all busy, so it pays to be efficient.

First of all, understand that no one can offend you without your permission. So if you’re “offended,” that’s a choice you’re making. Congrats.

Second, someone being offended by something you say or do is not your issue unless you choose to make it your issue.

So how can we offend just about everyone in minimum time?

Refuse to be a victim. Refuse to entertain victims.

Being a victim is a state of mind not a set of circumstances.

Refuse victimhood in your life, refuse it in your business. Refuse it everywhere.

Why does this matter?

Because when you refuse to be a victim, you stick out like a sore thumb. Talk about being INCOMPARABLE. That’ll pretty much do it.

What’s even better is that when you act this way, it tends to inspire and empower others to act this way.

And a world that is “victim-free” is a world that is on the path to being self-responsible.

Self-responsible doesn’t mean crap won’t happen to you, it means you CHOOSE to “own” it when it does.

And what happens when you fully accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life? The good, the bad and the really ugly?

You not only get a true taste of freedom, but you also reclaim the power you have to create your life as you see fit.