What Will You Stop Believing Today?

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 50 Degrees – 6:56 a.m.

I know there are a lot of people on this planet who don’t like to have their belief structure challenged.

I’m a little different.

A good day to me is waking up and, at some point before I go to sleep, discovering that something I thought was true is in fact not so.

It could be a fact, a perception, a way of thinking, a belief structure, an understanding of others, whatever. I don’t care what it is, but that’s what I’m looking for.

Each and every day.

Not much happens on any ONE day, but when you string enough of these days together, like years of them, amazing growth can happen.

Now there’s really no shortage of garbage we’ve been led to believe is true that’s simply not. We’ve been sold the lies because it makes us easy to control.

The lies make us afraid.

The lies make us feel like we don’t matter or that we are inherently broken.

The lies make us feel like there’s no way “little ol’ me” could effect any change.

The lies make us confused and distracted and ineffective.

The lies create false separations between people and brainwash each group into thinking the other is the enemy.

The lies attempt to hide from us our true power of creation.

So we go to work, we come home, we eat, we go to sleep, we start over.

What a safe little place we make for ourselves.

But believing something because you are afraid of actually dissecting that belief and thinking for yourself is a prison to which YOU hold the key.

Anything WORTH believing is worth inspection. And anything WORTH believing can take it.

One place to start is to think of what you hold most dear. What is one belief you would never consider might not be true?

Go deep into it and find some people who DON’T agree with you and start figuring things out for yourself.

That’s the rub, though.

You don’t grow by inspecting your belief structure using material created by others who share those beliefs, you have to go the other direction.

And how uncomfortable that can be!

What if you find something you don’t like?

Your ego doesn’t like being shown that things it holds dear are lies. It doesn’t like losing its grip on the reality it thinks it controls.

It doesn’t like the idea of losing control of YOU!

So to some people, this will feel like the scariest place in the world to go.

For others, it will be the beginning of truly living for the first time.

Either way, the journey is worth it.