Field Report Hotsheet 8.8.2016

August 8, 2016 – Issue #216
How Niches Divide

As the internet makes everything accessible to more people, it makes sense that you can serve fewer individuals MORE DEEPLY. This GoodGopher search engine is just one example. It returns search results from independent news organizations.


Drift is a messaging app for your website to allow you to communicate with visitors in real time. Here’s a one minute overview video about it. Note: it integrates with a lot of other apps like slack, hubspot etc. You can start using it for free.

The Case Against Email

Reading this missive from Donald E. Knuth (professor of Computer Science at Stanford) might make you rethink your approach to email. If he’s not using it, no one HAS to 🙂

Amazon Advertising

It’s been out for a while now (in internet time!), but if you haven’t seen it, take a look at the advertising options available to you on Amazon. If you write books etc. this might be of interest to you.

Want to Stick Out? Be the Contrarian

As far as I can tell, Doug Casey has been a contrarian from day 1. If you want to stick out in your marketplace, this is one way that seems to work in just about any decade. Here’s an interview with Doug so you can get a taste of his perspective.