How Long Will It Take?

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 69 Degrees – 10:30 a.m.

When people first discover the universe of the Platform Spiral System of Client Attraction, one of the most common questions I get is:

How long does it take?

It reminds me of this old commercial about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop…

While this is an obvious question, it’s not really a helpful one. First, it puts control over your future OUTSIDE of yourself into some nebulous land of fantasy that exists sometime in the future. You’re waiting for “it” to work for you. This is not an inspiring position to put yourself in.

Second, a question like this puts you in the frame of mind of looking for proof to drop down from the heavens instead of empowering you to dig up that proof yourself.

So instead of asking “how long does it take,” here’s something more productive to ask:

How quickly can I use my media platform to make it OBVIOUS to my prospective clients that the solutions I offer are the best choice to solve their problems?

That’s a goal YOU can work towards. You can work HARD at that, no “waiting” required. You can try over and over again to refine everything you do in an effort to build that clear signal.

How long will YOU take? That’s the type of question that places responsibility for your success right where it belongs: which is squarely on your shoulders.