Dissolving the Fee Funk

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 23 Degrees

RE: Dissolving the fee funk.

When’s the last time you sat down and had a moment of honesty with yourself about why your fees are where they’re at?

I know you probably have several good logical reasons for explaining your fees. But how about the real reasons?

For example, what’s the real reason your fees aren’t double? Triple? Half?

Do you know?

There’s a lot of advice out there about setting fees. Some will say you just figure out how many hours you want to work and go backwards from there.

Others talk about value and what you’re delivering to the client. They recommend you set the fees based on that.

The only thing all these pieces of advice seem to have in common is that the person who’s giving the advice thinks it’s the right way to go.

I went around and around with this whole topic for quite some time. I can tell you that this deliberation about how to set your fees is really a cover for a much deeper issue.

I can also tell you this: not being confident about what you’re charging is one hell of an effective way to never get what you want 🙂

Think about charging double what you’re charging now. Really paint the picture of you asking for that money. Now tune into that slightly “guilty” feeling you’re probably getting.

Ahhh… that’s a nice feeling to start the day with isn’t it?

Now let’s bring on the thoughts. Watch all those thoughts about that amount “not being fair” float right by.

It’s amazing how you can trigger such a reaction simply by thinking about getting paid for your work.

Of course those feelings have nothing to do with money. They have to do with something much deeper. And the fact that we get that “guilty” feeling is a clue where there’s work to be done.

You get that feeling because you’ve been taught to get it. You also get it because you’ve completely lost appreciation for your own value.

You don’t solve this by reading books about fees, you solve it by restoring your own belief in you and what you do.

If you need a map to help you through, I made one.

There is nothing more natural than the action of you asking the world for what you want. It begins with being able to do that without guilt.

What do you want?