Waking Up From the New Year Dreamin’

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 26 Degrees

RE: Waking up from the New Year dreamin’

Next week is the New Year… and that means that, despite all of the hype to the contrary, you are most likely going to wake up and be the same person you were on December 31.

It never feels like it’s going to play out that way though.

Isn’t it exciting to think that you’re going to wake up as this new and better person come January 1? You’ll have better direction, better goals, more discipline and look better than ever! 🙂

Your mind likes that idea, because your mind likes to time travel. It spends most of its time in the past or the future, never in the now.

There’s nothing to do in the now for your mind. No plans to make, no regrets to obsess about. How boring!

So this is the mind’s favorite time of year. Especially the next week or so when the dreamin’ can really get kicked into high gear.

And then January 1 rolls around… and then January 2… When those days come around and you actually live them, they end up feeling like all of the other days. So your mind goes off in search of something better to do.

Want to freak out your mind?

Why not make today New Year’s Day?

There’s no reason today can’t be the first day of the rest of your life.

Your mind will hate it, but there’s no point in waiting around. This is your life we’re talking about here.

So let’s get to the truth. Are you ready to live a new life today or are you just dreaming? I don’t think which way you answer matters as much as that you are honest with yourself about the answer you choose.

You know that Platform you were meaning to get going this year to attract clients?


It’s not going to build itself and starting it on December 27 is just as good a time as any, despite what your mind says right now. The recipe is here. All you need to add is the work and some thyme time.

I don’t know of a more effective way to attract great clients than through a well built Platform that makes you valuable in advance.

The reason it works is that it builds trust, slowly.

I have to tell you though… it’s WAY more fun to dream about all of the great things a Platform can create in your business than it is to do the work.

But your dreaming isn’t going to help anyone change their lives. And it certainly won’t help you change yours. You need more than that.

You have to get what you know out into the world where it can help people. And there’s no reason to wait around for the calendar to give you permission. Start now.