Chasing Clarity

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 55 Degrees

Getting clarity is like waking up from a dream. You’re going along, living life… and then all of a sudden… BAMMM! It drops in your lap.

Everything you were doing just seems stupid and you can see the change you should make.

The most exciting form of clarity is the one you get in your head. That’s where you get all excited by a new thought or idea. It’s exciting, but I’m not sure it’s the most valuable form of clarity.

The most valuable form of clarity is the one you get in response to DOING things. This is real. That’s why the Platform approach is so valuable. As you publish your platform, small pieces of clarity come back to you in the form of feedback and questions from your subscribers.

You get a piece here, you get a piece there. After a while, if you’re paying attention, you begin to see the faint outline of an image. Maybe you get an idea. Whatever it is, the valuable part about that is that it’s rooted in reality.

With the Platform, you open up a continous loop of communication with the people you are trying to help.

Clarity is not something you chase down, it is something you discover. So if you’re chasing clarity at the moment, I’d give yourself a break and stop chasing. If you chase it, it runs away.

Let it come to you.

Better yet, build a system that brings it to you in consistent doses, over time.

Why are systems so important in business? Because systems take your emotional focus off of pursuing a result directly (that kills attraction) and they allow you to put it on a mechanism that creates the result indirectly.

Another way to bring the clarity is to start asking questions. You don’t need answers, just ask the questions and then start paying attention. The answers will show up.

I’ll start you off. Here are two questions for you:

What is the biggest thing that’s not “clicking” for you at the moment? What’s keeping you from becoming an Incomparable Expert in your space?

I’m interested to hear your answer…