Be You and Prosper

Mountains of Arizona
Sunrise 40 Degrees
6:42 a.m.

I know the system would have you believe you can’t just go out there and prosper by being YOU.

But the system is lying to you.

In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that’s the ONLY way you can truly prosper on every level that actually matters. You’ve got to be you without compromise.

After all, who else are you going to be?

You can try to be like X who wrote the book about being successful. Or you can try to be like Y who speaks about how you’re supposed to treat other people. Or maybe you should be like Z? Your parents always told you that would be a good person to “model.”

But what do you get for all of that effort trying to play other people in this game of life?

You get dissonance. You get frustration. You get emptiness. You can climb to the top and still feel like you have nothing. You might even create a disease for yourself.

Your heart knows the way. And you compromise its wisdom by running away to be someone else. Compromising truth is one step towards death.

But what if you have no clue “who you are” yet?

The only way you find out who you are is to face your *hit and then get up the next day and do it again. You face all of those things you’d rather not think about. All of those fears you have. All of the “weaknesses” you’d rather hide than integrate. You face all of the emotions that surface. The hurt, the disappointment, the sheer terror most of us were programmed to carry about being “found out.” You simply look it in the face and invite all of that stuff to the table.

It’s part of you, after all. Pretending it isn’t doesn’t make it go away, it makes it worse.

Here’s the process:

  • You discover who you are.
  • You accept who you are. (Might take some time!)
  • You integrate who you are.
  • You celebrate who you are.
  • You make the world a better place by BEING who you are.

This is my recipe for a successful business.

This is my recipe for a successful life.

This is my recipe for prospering simply by being you.