Devaluing Access

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 67 Degrees
11:52 a.m.

Unless your ego is the size of Florida, it’s a challenge to properly assign an appropriate value for giving clients the ability to access you.

After all, you have 100% unlimited access to yourself all of the time. It just doesn’t feel special to you. It probably never will.

This is why, for many average service providers, the idea of putting a premium on the world having access to you (apart from what you actually DO) is a hard sell. It’s just beyond the reality of most vendor type service providers.

The result is that you end up working too hard for too little all while you’re doing something you’re wired to do better than most other people.

This is how the struggle program is designed to function. When it fully infects the host, the struggle feeling continues forever. And if the level of struggle ever falls too low, if things ever start to feel too easy, the emotion of guilt, or “taking advantage of someone” is triggered.

The human response to this is to lower your fee, do more work for the same money, or somehow create a NEW reason to feel struggle.

If you’re doing what you love, if you’re working with your talents and you feel like you’re working like a dog, then I have good news!

The problem is you 🙂

The entire point of the media platform and all of the systems that surround it is to make YOU the only logical choice for a certain subset of prospective clients.

If the system works, then they will come for YOU.

Your job, at that point, is to charge a fee commensurate with the truth of the situation:

There is ONE of you.

There is a limited amount of you available.

This makes a strong case that every unit of you made available should be done so at a premium.

Sometimes, the most challenging part of being an Incomparable Expert is truly believing that you are one.