Behold, the Keystone of Client Attraction

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 51 Degrees

Take a look at the picture below…

See that stone in the center of the archway? The one I circled in red?

That’s the keystone. From Wikipedia:

A keystone is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry vault or arch, which is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch to bear weight. Although a masonry arch or vault cannot be self-supporting until the keystone is placed, the keystone experiences the least stress of any of the voussoirs, due to its position at the apex.

In your service business, your Platform is your keystone.

It holds EVERYTHING together. Without it, all you have are advertising campaigns to get your clients. Understand this: advertising doesn’t get you clients. Advisors don’t “advertise.” Advertising brings new prospects to the SYSTEM (your Platform) that gets you clients.

Do you want a client who was “sold,” or do you want a client that was motivated to buy?

Those are two different frames of mind.

Best of all, the Platform (aka the keystone) does its job with only a small amount of input from you. It performs an amazing function and, like the keystone, bears a minimal amount of “stress.”

It’s amazing really. And once you experience it for the first time. You’ll probably never turn back.

There’s really no comparison actually. Would you rather have to sell prospects on working with you or would you prefer they come and say, “When do we start?”

Remember, your Platform doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s a newsletter, a podcast or some other regularly repeating publication.

Trust, credibility, authority, respect, premium fees. If those are the things you’re looking for, the Platform can lead you to them.