Lessons From Penn Station

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 32 Degrees

Years ago, when I was dating my wife and doing my best to convince her I was worth sticking around for, we spent a lot of time in New York City.

She was from Long Island, so we’d usually take the train into Penn Station, spend the day in the city, and then go back to the island.

I remember quite a few times where we basically had to race to get on the train. OK, so maybe we cut it close by deciding to stop for a few of the world’s largest (and best) slices of pizza, but…

Anywho… it’s kind of an obvious question, but have you ever thought about why people run to hop on a train before it’s too late?

They run because if they don’t, they might miss it. Duh, right?

I talk about acting like a train in your service business a lot. The reason is because of the enormous attraction power of a train that’s on a schedule. If you want to go where the train is going, you actually have to get on. And you have to be on time, otherwise you are out of luck.

But think about the average service business… most of them are setup more like 24/7 mini-marts instead of like trains.

24/7 mini-marts are ALWAYS open. They’re always available. There is absolutely no attraction there. I can walk in today or I can walk in next month, doesn’t matter.

I’d recommend you start to act like the train. When you start to act like a train, things change. All of a sudden, you become in demand. All of a sudden, you can run your business on your terms.

Anyone can do this. You don’t have to be famous, or successful or even good looking!

You can engineer it (pun intended)…

I actually put together a map for how to do it.