The Destination Paradox

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 59 Degrees

I’ll always remember a recording of Mark Ford (of Agora fame) I heard years ago where he was explaining something about secrets hiding in each business.

His point was that, in each business, there are secrets to success that are not readily obvious when you’re looking in from the outside. Only when you are on the INSIDE can the secrets become available to you.

Mark’s wisdom certainly holds true in the client attraction business.

One of the places where it’s true is in something I call, “The Destination Paradox.”

Here it is:

The most effective way to arrive at a particular destination (like getting a client) is to stop trying to get there.

Doesn’t that just sound nuts?

Except my experience shows it to be true. The absolute worst way to get the best clients is to actually try to get them.

Instead, you simply attract through repetition and demonstration.

Demonstration SHOWS (instead of tells) you know what you’re doing. This sets you apart from all of the folks who can’t get it together enough to do more than TALK about why they’re special. Don’t talk, just show. Prove it.

Repetition BUILDS a connection, slowly, over time. This sets you apart from all of the folks who only show up when they want something. That’s a repulsive force, by the way. I know you can think of someone who does this in your life. (See, that person’s face just popped into your head.) You don’t want people thinking this about you.

Attraction doesn’t come from snapping your fingers with a special formula, it comes from EARNING it.

The only other thing you need for attraction are controlled opportunities for people to “hop on your train.”

That’s the recipe. And when you put all of these things together, magic happens.

This isn’t something you trick yourself into doing just to get what you want. This is the habit you practice for the rest of your life. There’s not enough time in the day to discuss the long list of benefits that will come from this.

Remember this:

The bee doesn’t go to the flower because the flower needs the bee. The bee goes to the flower because the bee WANTS what the flower has.

Are you the type of person who has what your prospects want?

I imagine you probably are. The trick is simply to know the recipe to show it in the right ways.