You’re Still Doing That?

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 62 Degrees

I’ve been writing the Client Letter long enough that some of you have been reading it for years. And thank you for that!

I have people come, I have people go, I have people come, go and come back.

And I’m still here doing this.

Sometimes people comment on my commitment to this daily email. While it might look like a big commitment, it’s not. Mainly because this is what I like to do. So frankly, it’s easy… for me.

And to be totally upfront, it’s about as much “commitment” as I could handle all those years ago. 20 minutes each day.

The funny part is, 20 minutes repeated daily, for years, starts to add up after a while.

So here’s something I learned through all of this that might be valuable in your client attraction work:

Your consistent actions speak louder than your words or marketing materials ever will.

The question really is: “What in your business is worthy of consistent action?”

That’s a good question. Because if you choose something that is NOT worthy, you either won’t keep it up or you WILL keep it up and bore yourself to death.

For me, the platform (this Client Letter) is worthy of my consistent action.

Now there are enough “overnight successes” to keep the dream alive that YOU could be one of them. It might happen… I don’t know. Maybe you’ll chance upon “that thing” someday that brings a never ending stampede of clients through the door.

But the odds certainly aren’t good.

When you’re on THIS side of the consistency puzzle, you look back and you see that consistent action is a no-brainer. It creates results.

When you’re just starting, however, it’s far easier to look for something faster.

If you find it… let me know!