Giving Away the Farm

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 36 Degrees

As an expert, it’s easy to run into resistance when you feel like you’re giving too much away. You don’t want to “give away the farm,” right? What will people pay for if you put it all out there? “Don’t let them take advantage of you!”

Sound familiar?

Sure sounds familiar to me. In fact, thoughts like that used to be my playground!

There are two types of people:

  • People Who Are Victims
  • People Who Realize There Are No Victims

For a long time, my thoughts betrayed my firm position as the first type of person: the victim.

It’s been a long road, but I hope never to go back to victim land.

When you’re talking about ideas, which are nothing more than energy, holding them back only contributes to the signal of lack that you broadcast.

Energy is meant to circulate, not to stagnate.

Stop thinking about how you should conserve what you have and start focusing on how best to GIVE as much as possible.

This is why I write.

I can help many people at once in a way that does not wear me out. In fact, the MORE people I help, the more energized I feel. And getting that energy out there consistently means, it will come back… sometime.

From my perspective, what you get is a byproduct of what you’ve put out. So why not get more of your assets out there working for you?

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is a simple declaration to “Give Without Want.”

It’s a life and business changer if you live it.