You’re a Painter and You Didn’t Even Know It!

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 71 Degrees

Yesterday, I presented a special online training to a select group of people about how to transform yourself into an Incomparable Expert.

There’s something I highlighted in the presentation yesterday that I want to make sure is clear to you.

In your business, you have two pictures that you are given the opportunity to paint.

The first picture is the picture depicting your vision of success. It’s the picture where you take what you do and transform it into success, with just the right number and type of clients and the amount of money that you want. Everything is great, down to even the smallest detail.

While this picture is most certainly a beautiful one, there’s one problem. Out of the entire world population, billions and billions of people, YOU are the only one who cares about it.

To the rest of the world, it is 100% irrelevant.

And that leads us to the OTHER picture…

This is the picture that depicts the success of your prospective clients. This is the picture that depicts their world in a way where everything is going according to plan. This is the picture that shows all of their pain points relieved, all of their dreams realized. This is the picture that shows great things on all levels of their life and business.

A lot of people out there that could be your clients care deeply about this picture.

And if you can show them that YOU are the person who can help them paint that one. Well, they will take a step closer to you.

So here’s the assignment for today:

Go through all of your marketing materials and ask yourself if you’re talking more about your picture or if you’re talking about their picture.

When you talk about YOUR picture, they hear nothing but, “Blah, blah, blah…” But when you’re talking about their picture, their ears perk up and they stop to listen.

P.S The next online meeting of Rainmaker Roundtable Members is scheduled for Tuesday, July 28 at 1PM PST. If you’re looking for a regular dose of strategic direction from me and a smart group of other folks, this might be right for you. Spots are very limited as this group will remain small… on purpose. If you’re a current Rainmaker Letter subscriber and want to upgrade to this, just contact me.