How Long Does It Take?

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 67 Degrees

“How long does it take?”

That’s a pretty common question when it comes to the platform approach to client attraction.

“If I go to all of this trouble, and publish all of this stuff, how long will it take to see results? And where’s the guarantee that this will work?”

So here’s a little bit of tough love for anyone considering this journey. If you’re looking for guarantees, you’re in the wrong business.

We’re not sending a single rocket to the moon with this platform attraction model. We’re building a bridge to the moon so you can go there any time you want.

If building a bridge like that could be finished with a snap of your fingers, everyone would do it.

It can’t. The luxury of having a “bridge” like that is reserved only for the folks who are smart enough to have a view of things that’s LONG enough to take this journey and not quit.

I remember when Gary Vaynerchuk talked about the early days of his own platform, Winelibrary.TV. It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure I remember him saying that it took about 18 months before anyone even realized he existed. 18 months of videos with “NOTHING” to show for it.

Do you have what it takes to do that? I have no idea.

Who in their right mind would possibly make an investment like that without knowing something would come from it?

I’ll tell you who does stuff like that:

LEADERS do that.

Leaders do things others are simply unwilling or unable to do.

If clients aren’t showing up for you, ask yourself if you’re being a leader or not. You can’t lead from the back. You have to get out there in front where you’re going to make mistakes.

Plus, do you have a better idea for attracting clients? Is there a better investment to make than actually helping your prospective clients and customers solve problems in advance?

You can’t advertise your way to “trusted authority” status. And no fairy is going to drop out of the sky and anoint you with it. You either earn it, or you stand there and watch your competition earn it. Someone’s going to do it.

Your prospective clients don’t really care if it’s you or someone else. They just need help from someone.

I’m not much of a fortune teller, but I can tell you this:

  1. It’s not going to get easier. Right now, the landscape is wide open for leaders to stand up and start publishing. In a few years, if everyone is doing this, there’s going to be a lot more noise.
  2. There is no smarter path to trusted advisor status than this one. And there is a tremendous first mover advantage.