Your Other Pair of Shoes

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 44 Degrees

RE: Your other pair of shoes

Yesterday, I had three Platform Express sessions with service providers who could not be more different.

Different services, different niches, different price points, completely different “buyer” personalities.

But despite that, the goal is the same: create and package a Platform that is instantly attractive and inherently valuable to the target audience.

Have you ever sat down and really asked yourself what your prospective clients want?

Have you ever given much time to getting very clear on what your prospects and clients really get because of what you do?

It’s hard to sell yourself without that level of clarity. You might be talking about what you do, but the message isn’t getting through because it’s not wrapped in the right package.

There’s little more valuable than getting in the habit of putting on the shoes of your prospects and clients and taking a long, quiet, walk.

In fact, I’d recommend you always keep that other pair of shoes nearby. When you’re not sure about what you’re doing or what direction you’re going, put those shoes on and start thinking and feeling like your prospects.

How do you get more clients?

By becoming more attractive to clients.

By understanding them better than the other guy.

Once you get that, it makes everything easier. Because your marketing will radiate a simple but powerful idea to your target audience. That idea is that you “get” them and that you are carrying around solutions to their problems.

This Platform Express process is something you CAN do on your own. But I get a lot of practice at it so it’s a bit quicker when we do it together. Plus I truly enjoy it.

Through Sunday night only, you can enroll in the Platform Express at the reduced rate of $497. Use coupon code PLATFORMSHOES at checkout.

If it sounds like a good fit for you, move on it. I can only do so many of these a week before I have to recharge my creative battery 🙂