Your Client Called

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 67 Degrees

RE: Your client called

Your client called.

He said you’re not dealing fair. He felt that there was one party in your relationship that was clearly getting screwed. And he said it was time that the issue was resolved.

And then he said, “So I think you’re going to have to strongly consider tripling the fees we pay you. Anything less is just unfair and we won’t have it.”

Of course, that scenario has zero chance of ever happening in our current reality.

Setting your fees is up to you. You set them, you decide when they change.

Fees can be used as a marketing tool if you do it right. In that case, you basically have two choices:

Very high, or very low. The middle makes you invisible.

“I could never have super high fees. I don’t want to take advantage of my clients.”

If that thought popped into your mind, that’s a valuable clue about where there’s work to be done.

We don’t do business by coercion here. No client of ours is being held at gunpoint.

You are free to set your fees. They are free to accept them or reject them.

The rest is just your story. Make it up, live by it if you choose. But please don’t ever fall for it. Because it’s just a lie you made up to convince yourself to play small.

Extreme fees polarize. They separate those who belong in your tribe from those who do not.

Be high or be low, it makes things easier.

Do you realize that a magnet would cease to function if it didn’t polarize 50% of other magnet ends out there? 50%!

Most of us with bruised and battered egos would die if we were rejected by one out of every two people.

But get a magnet in front of the right pole of another magnet and BAAAMMMM, it’s effective.

It takes a unique individual to realize this business comes with a choice: you can choose to pursue being liked or you can choose to pursue being effective.

Over the long term, the world rewards only one of those pursuits. Because the world only attaches value to one of them. The other one leads to nothing but long term misery.