The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 50 Degrees
This might sound a little bit crazy, but the longer I go, the more I see proof that this is true:
You will attract more clients if you stop trying so hard to get them… PROVIDED you are smart 🙂
I’ll use myself as an example.
What happens if I make it a priority of my own to transfer some of the skills and strategies I’ve discovered over the years about working with clients to hundreds of thousands of service providers all over the world?
Now I’m not a fortune teller, but I can confidently say that good things happen. They happen slowly at first. Then more quickly. And eventually, the snowball starts rolling so fast you drown yourself in opportunity.
You don’t have to believe in this for it to work. It just works. It’s universal law baby…
The “getting of the client” is the byproduct of a much bigger and more powerful idea and priority.
Maybe this seems simple to you, maybe not. To me, it opens up an entirely new world that is really exciting. I define exciting as something that fills me with energy.
This is what gets me up in the morning.
What gets you up in the morning? Do you know?
How do you add measurable value to the lives of many of your prospective clients?
Now if I was selling widgets, this might NOT be the approach I’d take. It’s slow. And you need some faith to keep going at the beginning.
But it’s a smart strategy when you’re selling you. Because no one is attracted to a service provider who’s committed to the hard sell. It’s kind of a turn off. And it becomes more of a turnoff the higher your fees go and the more sophisticated your clients become.
Once you figure out what this looks like for you, you can wake up each day and pursue that priority. It’s a great way to give yourself clarity to focus on the big levers in your business.
Once you have that clarity, that means you can ignore a TON of other things.