Working With Winners

The Client Letter
Working with winners…
September 16, 2011
Sedona, Arizona

This might sound a bit harsh, but in my mind, there are two types of clients: Winners and Losers.

Losers tend not to know what they’re doing.

Losers tend to think you can work magic.

Losers tend to have super high expectations and a bit of trouble being satisfied with reality.

Losers have plenty of big dreams but not much by way of results.

What’s your plan for doubling your fees? How about your plan for attracting better clients? Do you have one? If not, you have a choice: continue with things in your business as they are or do something about it.

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Winners, On the Other Hand,
Are a Very Different Breed

Winners do know what they’re doing and where they’re going.

Winners know the realities of building a business. They are not impressed by silver bullets and they know that shortcuts do not exist.

Winners aren’t looking for magicians, they are looking for other winners with valuable skills who they can trust.

Winners understand that business is a marathon, not a sprint. And they are not looking for Rome to be built in a day… or less.

Winners have a solid foundation of results behind them.

The Items Above are Why You
Should Work with Winners… Period.

Are you attracting winners or losers as clients? If you are, you’ll want to change that. Mainly because working with winners tends to produce more income with less hassle over time.

I do my best to work with winners.

Every now and again, I go against my own recommendation and I take on a “loser” as a client.

Eventually, I come back to the same conclusion:

My job is to work with winners and help them win bigger. My job is not to take a loser and turn him into a winner.

That job is simply too risky and not worth the money.

See you Monday,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals