Working With Winners

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The Client Letter
Working With Winners
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
Friends Work With Bad Clients

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February 16, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

I was up a wee bit late last night reading through a bunch of back issues of Dan Kennedy’s NO B.S. INFO-Marketing Letter which comes with a membership to the Information Marketing Association.

In one of his letters, DK quoted the founder of the Success Motivation Institute, Paul J. Meyer, who had a reminder posted to himself that said, “You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t.”

Ain’t that the truth.

I found it pretty funny. And very instructive.

Mainly because it took me way too long to realize that I should spend my time only helping winners win bigger and not trying to make “losers” into winners.

I’m sure that you can quickly figure out which of your clients are “winners” and which aren’t. It’s not hard.

What’s hard is disciplining yourself to work with the few that are already winning and not make it your mission to help people become successful that are currently showing now signs of success.

This probably sounds harsh, but I think it’s one of the big differences that will determine just how successful your business becomes.

The compassionate side of me (along with my ego) wants to be responsible for hitting a home run for someone.

But that really says more about my need for validation than anything else.

And when it comes to business, the need for validation simply has no place… and it shouldn’t.

There are people in this world who have already figured things out enough so that they’re on the way to real success.

My recommendation is to work with those people.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

P.S. If the above sounds a bit cold and callous, then I guess so be it. For me, it’s not a question of coldness or callousness, it’s just a question of whether I’m going to accept reality or work against it.

Seeing things clearly as they are and not as you want them to be will get you far.

This might help too. Enrollment opens soon.

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