Do You Really Want to Get Clients?

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The Client Letter
Do You Really Want to Get Clients?
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
Friends Work With Bad Clients

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February 17, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

Do you really want to get clients?

That might sound like a silly question, but I’m totally serious.

Do you really want to get clients? And do you really want to take the action steps necessary to do it?

Asking that question makes me think of all of the people in the world that say they want to write a book.

Writing a book sounds nice doesn’t it?

You sit there in a comfortable chair, a warm drink steaming to the side of your computer. There you sit, deep in thought, spending your days tapping away calmly at a keyboard.

Your ideas spill out onto the page until, one day, you wind up on the evening news being interviewed by someone rich and famous.

OK, so the actual act of writing a book might just vary a wee bit from my story (ha!), but still…

A lot of people want to write a book.

And yet, years go by and their book never gets written.

They say they want to write the book, but the facts show that they really don’t. If they really wanted to write the book, they would do it.

We all do exactly what we want to do. Then we just make up a story about it.

I don’t think they really want to write a book at all.

I think they want to have written a book.

That’s a very different goal. And nearly impossible to accomplish. For you cannot get to the stage where you’ve written the book unless you actually write it.

Same with clients.

“Getting clients” can take real work and some patience. Sometimes, you have to kiss frogs before you find an even halfway decent looking princess.

Do you want to get clients or do you want to have gotten them?

You can’t fool yourself with your answer so there’s no reason not to be honest.

If you want clients, do the work. Take enough strategic action to bring them to you.

If they’re not coming, you’re not doing enough of the right things. DO more.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

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