Why Success Is Always Reserved For Others

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 46 Degrees

Our mind is a tricky little demon sometimes.

When you learn to control it, it can be one of your greatest assets. When you allow it to control you, watch out.

I allowed my mind to run my life for years. It still tries even to this day. It’s blabbering on about “old times,” and how great it used to be. Ha! Sometimes I turn it off, other times I just refuse to yield.

For a while, I didn’t even realize there was a ME and there was a MIND. I didn’t know we were separate. I was so stuck in my mind, I thought we were the same being! That incessant stream of thinking, hoping, fearing, criticizing just went on and on… like a movie I didn’t even realize I was watching.

It took me a LONG time to realize there was a presence (ME!) who was capable of observing all of this. One day, I could feel the REAL me, I could see the movie that was playing before me, I could see the mind who was narrating the show.

It’s easy to look around in the world at all of the people trying to prove they are valuable and think that their displays of achievement somehow qualify as success.

They may or may not. That’s the point. You have no idea. You will never know.

But if you miss this little detail, you start looking out there wondering why YOU aren’t getting the success you want like you see they have.

Is success “getting what you want?” Is that even the definition? Is there another one? Is what your MIND says you want really what YOU want?

The traditional definition of “success” is what your mind tells you it wants before it will feel OK. But it’s a lie. Because if you’ve ever achieved your mind’s request, you realize that, in that single moment, the definition changes. There’s MORE out there. And your mind is the first one to remind you that you don’t have it!

The mind can NEVER grant you true “success,” otherwise it would be out of a job to keep you busy and moving forward.

Your definition of success must come from somewhere deeper. It has to come from the real you.

Do you even know who that being is? If not, it might be time to find out.