
The Desert of Arizona
Clear 42 Degrees

The surest way to lose on just about every level of life is to try to be all things to all people.

For a recovering people pleaser like me, I know the price you pay for this path.

This path has you running all over the place trying to “show-up” in the right package for each individual you meet.

The prospect says, “Can you do X for me?”

You say, “Of course!”

The next prospect says, “Can you do Y for me?”

You say, “Yes sir!”

“You don’t want to pay X all at once, dear Prospect?” “Well then you can pay in 87 equal payments!”

That’s Chase-onomics right there. It comes in lots of forms on many different levels. But the common thread is that you’re basically all over the place. Who you are, what you do and how you do it are ALL up for negotiation.

Do you realize this path means you’ve taken all of your power and put it OUTSIDE you? You’ve taken your future and offered control of it to others. And the worst part is, you’re going to be miserable, frustrated and maybe even surprised when the future you intended never shows up. That’s because the future has nothing to do with YOUR agenda and everything to do with the agenda of others.

Your monkey mind tells you that “Chase-onomics” can work. The monkey mind LOVES Chase-onomics because it gives your monkey mind something to do! Always doing… do, do, do!

But Chase-onomics isn’t something I’d recommend.

What does work?

You sticking your flag in the ground and proclaiming to the world, “I’ll be right HERE doing THIS.”

From that point, you begin to draw the clients towards you who want what you have. But you don’t go chasing after any one individual.

Chase-onomics is a total dead end.

It’s also a path you can choose to accept or reject.