When You Need Clients Fast

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 42 Degrees
8:48 a.m.

Need is a universal feeling. It doesn’t matter if you have $0 or $4 million hiding in your couch cushions, need can show-up in any situation.

The primary reason for that is because the feeling of need is a program. It is a conditioned response that channels your life force into a specific frequency of energy.

For now, we’ll skip the discussion about where that energy is going and who might be using it. (While most of the world thinks I’m crazy, I’d prefer to prove it slowly rather than all at once. It’s far more fun that way!)

For today, we’ll just focus on this:

When you’re in a position where you need to get clients fast, what can you do?

I’ll recommend the first thing. It will probably have the biggest impact on your success over the long term.

My recommendation is to willfully decide to stop allowing the need frequency to inhabit your being.

This takes practice. And given the fact that we’ve spent DECADES practicing conjuring need on demand, it’s probably not going to shift overnight.

But the choice you have is quite practical:

You have energy that is available for you to use. You can choose to use it to create or you can waste it on pursuits like feeling “need.”

Get control of your feelings. You have the power to do it. The feelings might still come up, because that’s the program you’ve practiced for so long.

But you can choose to keep them alive or you can allow “need” to fade away from lack of food.

Just how powerful do you think you are?

Maybe exploring and redefining the boundaries of your TRUE power is something you should put on your to-do list.